Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, April 14, 2004
I did reschedule my date. He seemes very nice. I was won over when he suggested that after lunch we could either go to a giant flea market or go watch an IMAX movie about elephants. Interesting ideas. I'm sold on the flea-market. I just hope that he doesn't mind that I will make fun of every single thing. But I guess if he does mind, he is not for me. Good test.

I just spent the last hour in the craft store pretending to myself that I am crafty. As I walked down each aisle, I imagined myself the kind of girl who was going to take up scrapbooking in a real way. I could imagine myself collecting small and interesting memorabilia from everywhere that I go and turning it into an amazing and creative scrapbook. I thought that I would be just the kind of woman who would have shoeboxes full of unique scraps of paper that I would twist and cut with scissors that cut in shapes like zig-zag and curves! I could imagine giving my friends amazing gifts that took me weeks to make and picture their eyes tearing as they looked through them. I even had exacto-knives and glue in my hands when my dream bubble exploded and I remembered that I have tons of craft stuff I don't use. And that I am not terribly creative in that way. And that I don't want to make scrapbooks. Oh well.

PS. D- I washed the orange blanket! ¶ 6:02 PM

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